This Section Contains All Or Most Of The Frequently Asked Questions You Might Need Answers To.

Question: What is NoHitchFiliate?

Answer: NoHitchFiliate is a digital marketplace where high end products are sold on behalf of approved merchants (vendors), by registered and highly approved affiliates.

Question: What is Affiliate Marketing?

Answer: Affiliate marketing is a business model that deals with the selling of goods owned by a business or company, with an agreed monetary compensation: also known as commissions by the owner of the products to the affiliate, who sold the product.

Question: How Do I Create An Affiliate Account On NoHitchFiliate?

Answer: It is easy, you can easily set up your free affiliate account by clicking here, after which our team will have to manually approve you.

Question: How Do I Create A Merchant (Vendor) Account On NoHitchFiliate?

Answer: First off, you will need to send an email containing your sales page, thank you page and all your funnels (and yes we accept upsells or downsells), to our NoHitchfilaite product listing department email address; [email protected]

After which if you are approved, our team will send you the necessary requirements and you will pay a one-time non refundable fee of $40 (N24,000) to list your product on the NoHitchFiliate marketplace.

The non refundable one time fee is for the use of the NoHitchFiliate marketplace, system and tools to track your sales and see how your product is performing.

Question: If My Product Is Approved As A Vendor, Am I To List It Myself?

Answer: No, we take the stress off your shoulders because, we know how techy this can be.

So we decided that instead of getting your hands dirty, we will do the heavy lifting for you.

Question: How Does NoHitchFiliate Pay Its Affiliates And Merchants?

Answer: Our pay out system for affiliate commissions and merchant pay outs are unmatched. We pay both our affiliates and vendors every week.

So do not worry, your money is safe.

Question: If I Make  A Purchase On The Store With My Affiliate Link, Do I Get A Commission?

Answer: No please. It is not ethical to make a purchase for a product through your own affiliate link and expect a commission.

You are entitled to your commissions ONLY when someone other than you makes a purchase through your link.

Question: Are There Any Hidden Or Extra Fees?

Answer: At the moment, signing up as an affiliate on NoHitchFiliate is free, and we hope to keep it that way for as long as possible.

As a merchant however, there is a one time sign up fee of $40 (N24,000) to list your product.

Furthermore, for every sale made on your product by an affiliate, you will pay a 6% processing fee (VAT inclusive )and an extra $1 payment fee.

Example: if your product sells for $100, when a purchase is made, $6 is deducted from the cost plus an extra $1 payment processing fee, leaving $93 on ground.

If you choose to pay affiliates a 50% commission fee, then the affiliate will take home $50.

Therefore, you are left with $93 - $50= $43.

Question: What Type Of Products Do You Not Accept?

Answer: We do not accept PLR, MRR, cracked or illegal copies of any product.

We also do not accept web hosting products.

If you intend to list a white-label or reseller product, while mailing our team, you will need to attach the payment info that confirms your purchasing of the reseller, white-label or agency level of that product.

Question: As An Affiliate, Should I Worry About The Quality Of Listed Product?

Answer: No, not at all. You do not have to worry about any product because, our vetting team will go through any product that indicates its interest in wanting to be listed with NoHitchFiliate.

Question: Can I Sell Products On NoHitchFiliate Outside Africa?

Answer: Yes you can, it doesn't matter where your market is, you can sell any of our listed digital product to countries all over the world.

We have integrated seamless payment processors that will enable affiliates and merchants sell to any country without problems.

Question: I Do Not Have A Naira Bank Account, How Do I Get My Commissions?

Answer: Not to worry, we have all these sorted out. We have unique payment systems that ensure that within 48 hours of releasing your commissions, you will get them into your local bank account.

Question: What If I Run Into An Issue, Is There Any Hope For Support?

Answer: Yes, please.

One of the greatest investments we have made is in our support system, so whenever you have an issue, just send a mail as an affiliate or merchant to [email protected] and our support team will come to your rescue.

We also have an ever growing community on Facebook that lets us share ideas and rub minds.